• Dental Bonding

    Bonding refers to the joining of two substances by the application of thermoform or some other suitable material that is thermosetting. Adhesive dentistry is an area of dentistry that deals only with bonding or adhesion to the tooth's natural material, especially dentin and enamel. Other areas of excellence in this field are bonding of the pulp of the tooth, restoration, and other works involving dental implants and the like.<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->https://vita-dental.com/


    Bonding does not restore a tooth to its original condition. It is usually done as a preventive measure against decay, broken or misaligned teeth and shifts in bite, after a great extraction or after a very deep filling. It helps your gums recede from the teeth and improves your smile. The cosmetic dentist will probably suggest that you have a dental bonding procedure, if you have badly broken, misaligned or unhealthy teeth.<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Vita Dental - Fishers


    If you visit a reputable and experienced cosmetic dentist for a consultation, you can have a discussion about the possible benefits of bonding. The dentist may tell you to go for a porcelain composite bonding or he may suggest the silver-based resin bonding. You need to discuss the pros and cons of each procedure with the professional before deciding which one to go for. It helps to compare the cost of each procedure with the benefits that it offers. This will help you determine whether you have the financial resources to undergo such a procedure.


    The resin used in the bonding of the tooth is applied to your natural teeth using a procedure known as 'dental bonding'. The dentist places his or her hands over your natural teeth and applies gentle but effective suction with a special light that leaves a flawless result. The bonding material is highly absorbent and helps in the restoration of broken or misaligned teeth.


    During dental bonding, the dentist carefully sculpts the tooth enamel. The tooth enamel is basically a thin layer of enamel that protects the base of the tooth from decay and other problems. When the enamel is fully removed, the dentist then sculpts the tooth surface with the help of dental bonding resin. Later, the dentist fits a crown or a dental crown.


    Bonding of the tooth-colored composite resin is used to repair most of the small teeth and it works well with decayed teeth as well. Bonding does not work well with small teeth that are heavily decayed because the process tends to make them brittle. Bonding does not apply well to chipped or discolored tooth. Bonding is also a good option for persons who are suffering from severe toothache. Bonding of tooth-colored composite resin may be used for patients who have severely damaged their teeth.


    Bonding of the tooth-colored composite resin is a long and time consuming procedure, but the results are worth it. Bonding of the tooth-colored composite resin can be done in two ways the first by a licensed dentist and the second by a cosmetic dental procedures office. Most of the dentists prefer to do the bonding by the hands and it is done in the dental office. Bonding is done on an outpatient basis, which means that you will be given pain medications and rest. During your office visit, the cosmetic dental procedures office staff will explain all the pros and cons about dental bonding. Then, they will conduct a physical examination of your mouth.


    If you choose to have bonding done by the hands, you will be asked to sign a written consent form. You will also be given anesthesia, if you choose to use dental bonding. For example, if you want veneers on your teeth then you will be given local anesthesia. If you are not comfortable with the use of anesthesia or you do not like the look of having the veneers on your teeth, you can go back to your cosmetic dental procedures office and let them perform the bonding without anesthesia. After bonding, you may have some sensitive bonding spots, and they may crust up a bit as well. You should let your cosmetic dental procedure office know if you notice any signs of infection or pain.